How to Help a Senior Pet Stay Cool in Hot Weather

It can only mean one thing when the days start getting longer again and the temperature begins to increase - summer is finally on the horizon! As exciting as this is for sun lovers, it's important to remember that our beloved senior pets tend to be a lot more susceptible to the heat and require some additional love and care during the warmer months.
Here are some of our easy tips and tricks to ensure your senior furry friends are as comfortable and safe as possible throughout the warmer summer months.
Remain indoors
During the hotter days, the easiest thing you can do to keep your senior pet comfortable and happy is to try and keep them indoors for as much as possible. If you can, try and create a cool, well-ventilated space where your pet can relax. If you have access to a fan or air conditioning, that is a good option to ensure a cool and comfortable space.
If your pet prefers to be outdoors, ensure there are plenty of shady areas where they can spend their time. This could be under a tree, a canopy, or an outdoor pet tent.
Hydration is key!
Just as with us humans, hydration really is key during the warmer summer months. Make sure your senior pet always has access to clean and cool water. You could consider adding ice cubes to the water to try and keep it cooler for a longer period of time. Remember to make sure you also always have some water on you when out and about with your pet.
Plan walks during cooler times of the day
Despite the warmer weather, our senior pets still need to get outside and get some fresh air daily. Planning your walks in the morning or evening time when the temperature is slightly cooler and the sun is not belting down, will definitely help keep your pet comfortable and happy.
If this is not a possibility for you and the lunchtime walks need to remain, consider choosing a route that includes more shade and grass for your pet to walk on. Remember to bring some water on the go and take plenty of breaks along the way.
Frozen treats
Whilst our beloved pets may not be able to cool off with a scoop of your favourite ice cream, you could consider offering them ice cubes or frozen treats. These can help cool them down from the inside out and is a nice treat for them to have every few hours.
If you have some spare time on your hands and are willing to get creative in the kitchen, there are a few fun pet friendly ice cream or frozen ice recipes out there that could be fun to test out with your pet.
Cool down options
It’s important to provide plenty of opportunities for your pet to cool off in water, like a little kiddie pool or an early morning/evening trip to a dog friendly beach.
Cooling mats are also a great way to help keep your pets nice and comfortable during the sweltering heat of the summer. Cooling mats are designed to absorb body warmth from your pet and reduce their temperature. A great tool to have for senior pets that tend to overheat quickly. They are easy to clean, durable and come in a variety of different shapes and sizes to make sure your pet is cool and comfy.
If you’d like to keep it old school, dampening a cloth with cool water and placing it on your pet, or even letting them lie on a damp towel, should also do the trick in bringing down their temperature.
Regular grooming
Whilst grooming is always an important aspect of care for your pet, it becomes even more important during the summer months. Daily brushing will help remove excess fur and can help improve air circulation around your pets skin. Depending on the type of pet you have, a summer trim from the groomers could also be very beneficial in helping them be as comfortable as possible during the warmer days.
By incorporating these easy tips and tricks into your daily life, you can help make sure your senior pet is cool and comfortable throughout the heat of the summer months.